Here you will find my insights, publication and latest thinking related to areas of specific interest and value on my primary areas of innovation focus.
My building blocks on innovation
These are made up of frameworks, published articles, white papers and series collections from my posts, on areas of key focus in understanding innovation management.
All Links go directly to PDF's
New Focal Areas that develop selected innovation themes collected into a series of posts for ease of reference
new critical addition: three-horizons-building-the-common-language-of-understanding
F1: crowdsourcing-encourage-it-out
F2: the-need-to-understand-our-innovation-capital
F3: moving-towards-a-new-way-of-managing-innovation
F4: requiring-a-dual-mindset-of-exploiting-exploring
F5: the-management-of-risk-innovation-what-holds-us-back
F6: is-innovation-disrupting-the-boardroom
F7: moving-innovation-into-the-core-series
F9: a-journey-towards-innovation-fitness.
Focus Area : The Interplay Surrounding Innovation
A White Paper The Critical Interplay among Innovation, Business Models and Change (6-2)
2nd White Paper Why innovators need a new change paradigm
Full Article Series supporting the Interplay : The Interplay Surrounding Innovation Collection
Focus Area. The Three Horizon Framework for Managing Innovation
White Paper : Clarifying Horizon Options for Multiple Innovation
Presentation Opener: Opener to the Three Horizons for Innovation
Series One: Connecting Innovating Futures to your Strategy Series one
Series Two: Seeing innovation across three horizons series 2
Series Three: The Critical Value Propositions of the Three Horizon Methodology
NEW- Series Four: three-horizons-building-the-common-language-of-understanding
Focus Area: The Executive Innovation Work Mat
A White Paper :Innovation Executive Work Mat initial whitepaper
Booklet 1: Understanding the Leaders Role in Innovation Alignment White Paper
Booklet 2: Work Mat Initial Seven Part Series Release Sept 2012
Booklet 3: Business Case for Leadership of Innovation within Organizations
Booklet 4: Further Business Case for Leaders Involvement in Innovation
Booklet 5: Deployment and Cascading Innovation
Booklet 6: The Importance of Strategic and Innovation Alignment
Focus Area: The Innovation Fitness Landscape and Dynamic Capabilities
Dedicated Website: This is at
A White Paper Innovation Fitness Landscapes White Paper
NEW- The Journey Outline: journey-towards-innovation-fitness
Focus Area: Innovation Capital and our intangible or intellectual assets
Extended Presentation: Innovation Capital for Building Dynamic Linkage
Focus Area: Building Understanding of Business Model Innovation
Series paper :Business Models Come Into Focus
Opening Presentation Deck teaser: Crunching SHORT Business Model Deck Opener
Concept Frame: Innovation & Business Model Framing Model Concept Work
Focus Area: Digital’s Impact on Innovation
Series paper : The Arrival of the Digital Monsoon 3 part series
Focus Area: The Collaborative Innovation Framework
Dedicated Website : This is at
White Paper: providing the initial outline: Collaborative Innovation Reference Framework
My View of a Common Framework: The need for a common framework model for innovation management
There are three suggested presentation outlines can be best viewed in this ‘given’ order. These links take you to the dedicated site where you can view and equally download and even participate in taking these further.
Innovation Business Architecture
Innovation Reference Framework
Examination of Innovation Types
Focus Area: The Role of Education and Learning
Series paper : Three part series exploring the value of knowledge and education for innovation
Focus Area: Cognitive Traps
Series paper: The Innovation Bunker Series on Cognitive Traps